Author: Andy Hui

South West Healthcare’s annual Christmas Online Auction aims to raise money to improve patient care. For the second year in a row, Global Health donated to the online auction to help raise funds to continue another year’s visit by the Delta Therapy Dogs for their...

Global Health is pleased to announce a new contract with the Adelaide Primary Health Network for the roll-out of MasterCare Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and other software solutions. The agreement encompasses annual licensing, implementation and support for 250 concurrent users, and covers the Adelaide metropolitan region,...

Global Health is pleased to announce their partnership with ACT Health to support the ACT Mental Health, Justice Health and Alcohol & Drug Services (MHJADS) Electronic Clinical Record (ECR) project. Global Health’s MasterCare EMR (Electronic Medical Record) will replace MHJADS paper-based clinical records. This transition is...

Simon Turner, Principal at Rising Star Research suggests taking the ethical approach to investment. Before he ventures into investment options, Simon explores what makes a business “ethical”. This can be a long discussion in itself, but to keep things simple most people like to know...

In the Annual General Meeting, Mathew Cherian CEO, highlighted that the financial year ended with Global Health's third consecutive year of net profit in excess of one million dollars. There is a new challenge with Global Health contending with a contractual dispute with long-standing customer -...