Justice Health Victoria signs up for MasterCare

Justice Health Victoria signs up for MasterCare

The contract to deploy Global Health’s MasterCare Electronic Medical Record (EMR) in Justice Health Victoria and support clinical workflows in the mental health, primary care and alcohol and other drug services has been signed.

The initial deployment of MasterCare EMR will support the clinical workflow of the mental health services, primary care, alcohol and drug services for persons in justice centres across Melbourne. This includes Malmsbury, Parkville and other community outlets around Melbourne across the Youth Justice sector.

MasterCare EMR comprises a complete Electronic Medical Record and Practice Management solution with integration to MasterCare Data Warehouse for data analytics and ReferralNet for the secure exchange of clinical documents with external colleagues.

MasterCare EMR’s Product Manager, Kye Cherian said, “it is validating to see our framework stand up with such a broad scope in tight timelines, but it’s important to note that our project with  Justice Health does not end here.”

“Global Health and Justice Health are committed to an ongoing partnership in order to further improve client care and data capture to support the continued improvement of Youth Justice Health services in Victoria.”

The agreement is for a minimum term of 3 years, with two further extension options. MasterCare EMR will be used by Justice Health clinicians to manage the assessment and management plans of clients, along with the monitoring and measuring of on-going service activity outcomes.

The increased efficiency of data collection in the course of clinical service delivery in MasterCare EMR has resulted in a wide range of benefits including ease of reporting and a much-decreased duplication of work.

Justice Health is a business unit of the Department of Justice & Community Safety responsible for the delivery of health services for persons in the Youth Justice Custodial and adult Correctional space in Victoria.

View the ASX Announcement here.